
Showing posts from April, 2021

(DOWNLOAD) "Bis. Premio UPC 2009 novela corta de ciencia ficción" by Roberto Sanhueza * eBook PDF Kindle ePub Free

📘 Read Now     📥 Download eBook details Title: Bis. Premio UPC 2009 novela corta de ciencia ficción Author : Roberto Sanhueza Release Date : January 10, 2010 Genre: Fantasy,Books,Sci-Fi & Fantasy,Children & Teens, Pages : * pages Size : 755 KB Description BIS es la ganadora del Premio Internacional UPC de Ciencia Ficción de 2009. Convocatoria que cuenta ya con XIX ediciones, desde su creación en 1991, coincidiendo con el vigésimo aniversario de la Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. "BIS es un espectacular thriller futurista.  En Santiago de Chile, Edmundo Montero, el mejor detective de la policía, muere por una epidemia de retrovirus. Años después, su identidad, almacenada en un chip, es insertada dentro del cerebro de Amanda Mercado. Para llegar a obtener un nuevo cuerpo, Edmundo deberá ayudar en la investigación Download Ebook "Bis. Premio UPC 2009 novela corta de ciencia ficción" PDF ePub Kindle

(Download) "Bittersüßes Vermächtnis" by C.R. Forster ~ eBook PDF Kindle ePub Free

📘 Read Now     📥 Download eBook details Title: Bittersüßes Vermächtnis Author : C.R. Forster Release Date : January 20, 2014 Genre: Historical,Books,Fiction & Literature, Pages : * pages Size : 240 KB Description Irland, anno 1814. Rhona McLeod ist eine junge Aristokratin, die ein wahrhaft ungewöhnliches Leben führt. Niemand ahnt, dass sie allen gesellschaftlichen Konventionen zum Trotz ein mehr als inniges Verhältnis zu ihrer Zofe Sofie pflegt. Als Rhonas wohl gehütetes Geheimnis aufgedeckt wird, ändert sich alles. Von einem auf den anderen Tag findet sich die willensstarke Frau in einem Strudel aus Ängsten, Intrigen und in dem magischen Bann der Countess O''Callahan wieder. Bei ihrer unermüdlichen Suche nach Antworten stößt Rhona auf ein bittersüßes Vermächtnis. Auch das unbeschwerte Leben der Zofe Sofie findet ein jähes Ende. Erniedrigt und in die gnadenlose Wirklichkeit gestoßen, wird sie zur Marionette in einer perfiden Inszenierung, die auch Rhona ins Verd...

[Download] "Amphitryon de Molière (Analyse de l'œuvre)" by Claire Cornillon # eBook PDF Kindle ePub Free

📘 Read Now     📥 Download eBook details Title: Amphitryon de Molière (Analyse de l'œuvre) Author : Claire Cornillon Release Date : January 01, 2011 Genre: Poetry,Books,Fiction & Literature,Arts & Entertainment,Theater,Performing Arts,Professional & Technical,Education,Language Arts & Disciplines,Historical,Reference,Study Aids, Pages : * pages Size : 1328 KB Description Décryptez Amphitryon de Molière avec l'analyse du ! Que faut-il retenir d' Amphitryon , la comédie phare du théâtre français classique ? Retrouvez tout ce que vous devez savoir sur cette œuvre dans une analyse complète et détaillée. Vous trouverez notamment dans cette fiche : • Un résumé complet • Une présentation des personnages principaux tels que Amphitryon, Sosie, Jupiter, Mercure, Alcmène et Cléanthis • Une analyse des spécificités de l'œuvre : "De la farce à la comédie galante", "Les procédés de mise en scène" et "Une satire...

[DOWNLOAD] "Ord" by Louise Østergaard " Book PDF Kindle ePub Free

📘 Read Now     📥 Download eBook details Title: Ord Author : Louise Østergaard Release Date : January 22, 2014 Genre: Literary,Books,Fiction & Literature, Pages : * pages Size : 265 KB Description ... man kender hinandens livretter, tøjsmag og forskellige vaner, det giver tryghed og binder mennesker sammen to og to. Jeg aner ikke, om du foretrækker hakkebøf frem for frikadeller, eller hvilken skjorte du går mest i, men giv mig en liste på hundrede ord, og jeg vil med det samme kunne udpege de ti, du bedst kan lide. Jeg sad ved siden af dig, den dag sort blæk for evigt manifesterede ordenes betydning på din brune hud.   Louise Østergaard, født 1973. ORD er Louises debutroman. Download Ebook "Ord" PDF ePub Kindle

[DOWNLOAD] "Cold as ICE" by Lee Conrad # Book PDF Kindle ePub Free

📘 Read Now     📥 Download eBook details Title: Cold as ICE Author : Lee Conrad Release Date : January 21, 2018 Genre: Action & Adventure,Books,Fiction & Literature, Pages : * pages Size : 63 KB Description It's 2022 and Private Investigator Derek Steele has been hired to find a missing immigrant rights activist in a crumbling American city. What he finds in his search imperils his life and his beliefs. Free Books Download "Cold as ICE" PDF ePub Kindle

(DOWNLOAD) "Cold As Hell" by Neen Cohen # Book PDF Kindle ePub Free

📘 Read Now     📥 Download eBook details Title: Cold As Hell Author : Neen Cohen Release Date : January 31, 2021 Genre: Fantasy,Books,Sci-Fi & Fantasy,Fiction & Literature,Gay, Pages : * pages Size : 352 KB Description The town of OpenFields is cold as hell... Magic exists in OpenFields, and everyone but Adie plays their part. So what happens when murder and strangers visit the secret town? Adie's normal isn't "normal." Cameras watch her sleep, the eyes of the townsfolk narrow at her sight, and when she discovers her bosses' office in disarray, and a stranger who makes her heart thunder, her world changes forever. Author Neen Cohen's Cold as Hell is an  Urban Dark Fantasy like no other. What secrets does OpenFields hold? Adie's journey will rock the town to its foundation. PDF Books Download "Cold As Hell" Online ePub Kindle

[DOWNLOAD] "Black or White, Which Does God Like?" by Danielle Hawkins # Book PDF Kindle ePub Free

📘 Read Now     📥 Download eBook details Title: Black or White, Which Does God Like? Author : Danielle Hawkins Release Date : January 17, 2013 Genre: Religion & Spirituality,Books,Children & Teens,Children's Fiction, Pages : * pages Size : 9906 KB Description Is it okay to be friends with someone who is another color? Why do some people frown upon friendships between people of different races? If I'm not God's favorite color, will He still love me? Come listen in as Lynn asks her mother these very questions, seeking God's will. Lynn loves her best friend, Beth Ann, but the disapproval of other people makes her wonder if this is what God thinks too. PDF Ebook Download "Black or White, Which Does God Like?" Online ePub Kindle