
Showing posts from March, 2021

[DOWNLOAD] "Colação Descobrindo a poesia" by Senna Ricarte " eBook PDF Kindle ePub Free

📘 Read Now     📥 Download eBook details Title: Colação Descobrindo a poesia Author : Senna Ricarte Release Date : January 30, 2018 Genre: Poetry,Books,Fiction & Literature, Pages : * pages Size : 145 KB Description Senna Ricarte, 37 anos, brasileiro natural de Iguatu no Ceará, veio para São Paulo ainda criança.Cursei Licenciatura em Letras na Universidade Camilo Castelo Branco.Atualmente trabalho como representante comercial.Apresentei durante dois anos o Programa Adrenalina Rock na Rádio Dinâmica FM..Fui editor chefe e redator do site Arte com Pipoca, e no podcast PipocaCast.Poeta e cronista, blogueiro nas horas vagas. PDF Books "Colação Descobrindo a poesia" Online ePub Kindle

[DOWNLOAD] "Colberts Reise" by Hermann Ungar " Book PDF Kindle ePub Free

📘 Read Now     📥 Download eBook details Title: Colberts Reise Author : Hermann Ungar Release Date : January 29, 2021 Genre: Classics,Books,Fiction & Literature,Short Stories, Pages : * pages Size : 1697 KB Description Colberts Reise ist eine unbekanntere Erzählung von Hermann Ungar, die man allerdings unbedingt gelesen haben sollte. PDF Books "Colberts Reise" Online ePub Kindle

[DOWNLOAD] "Bittersüßes Menscheinander" by Hans - Georg Wigge * eBook PDF Kindle ePub Free

📘 Read Now     📥 Download eBook details Title: Bittersüßes Menscheinander Author : Hans - Georg Wigge Release Date : January 12, 2017 Genre: Poetry,Books,Fiction & Literature, Pages : * pages Size : 663 KB Description Aus dem reichhaltigen Fundus meiner Gedichte der vergangenen 20 Jahre habe ich diejenigen für diesen Sammelband ausgewählt, auf die ich besonders oft Rückmeldungen erhielt oder die den ein oder anderen vorderen Platz bei Gedichtwettbewerben des entsprechenden Metiers belegten. Es handelt sich um selbstkritische, nachdenklich stimmende, humorvolle, teils sarkastische Gedichte, die ich gerne als Zeitzeugnis und gesellschaftlichen Spiegel betrachtet sehen möchte. Beim Schreiben lag meine Priorität immer mehr auf dem Augenzwinkern, als auf dem erhobenen Zeigefinger. PDF Ebook Download "Bittersüßes Menscheinander" Online ePub Kindle

[Download] "Colby.... Conflicted (Studs & Steel #9)" by Heather Mar-Gerrison ~ eBook PDF Kindle ePub Free

📘 Read Now     📥 Download eBook details Title: Colby.... Conflicted (Studs & Steel #9) Author : Heather Mar-Gerrison Release Date : January 31, 2020 Genre: Gay,Books,Fiction & Literature,Romance,Contemporary, Pages : * pages Size : 257 KB Description Colby is fed up of being on his own. His partner in crime-fighting, Harrison, is on paternity leave; he and his wife having just had their second child. Colby's missing their easy banter, not to mention the fact that it was a damn sight easier working with someone else than going it alone... When Parker comes crashing into his life, quite unexpectedly, he's delighted - even if Parker is a glass-half-empty kind of a guy with almost zero interest in starting something special with him. Colby isn't put off by that; there's something about his stand-offish manner that Colby finds absolutely irresistible. Parker has issues. He's a struggling actor, trying to get his name out there, but he's been abused ...

(DOWNLOAD) "Bittersüße Qualen Erotischer SM-Roman" by Emily Bale * eBook PDF Kindle ePub Free

📘 Read Now     📥 Download eBook details Title: Bittersüße Qualen Erotischer SM-Roman Author : Emily Bale Release Date : January 31, 2020 Genre: Erotica,Books,Fiction & Literature, Pages : * pages Size : 1150 KB Description Dieses E-Book entspricht 208 Taschenbuchseiten ... Die biedere, zurückhaltende und grüblerische Audrey lernt durch ihre sexuell äußerst aufgeschlossene Freundin Vicky den Künstler Damon kennen. Sie ist sowohl von ihm als auch von seinen BDSM-Gemälden fasziniert und fühlt sich auf düstere Weise zu ihm hingezogen. Als Kopfmensch ist Audrey jedoch hin- und hergerissen zwischen dem Wunsch, sich auf den mysteriösen Mann einzulassen, und der Angst davor. Auf subtile Weise führt Damon Audrey immer tiefer in die Welt der lustvollen, bittersüßen Qualen ein. Je mehr sich Audrey dagegen sträubt, desto deutlicher erkennt sie, dass sie sich insgeheim danach sehnt, sich ihm vollkommen zu unterwerfen. Wenn nur ihre ewigen Grübeleien nicht wären! Diese werde...

(Download) "Dirty Seductions" by Jodi Sylph " Book PDF Kindle ePub Free

📘 Read Now     📥 Download eBook details Title: Dirty Seductions Author : Jodi Sylph Release Date : January 10, 2018 Genre: Erotica,Books,Fiction & Literature, Pages : * pages Size : 157 KB Description This bundle features two outrageously hot erotic stories featuring another person joining in with a couple. DIRTY SECRETS Leslie doesn’t like the way that her husband has been treating her best friend. He’s rude to her, and she can tell that he’s secretly attracted to her. However, when Robin joins him in the shower, he quickly gives in to his secret desires. Before he knows it, he’s joining both women on the couch, fulfilling his secret fantasy. However, his wife has a secret too. Will Jeff be ready to discover what it is? SEDUCED BY MY BOYFRIEND'S PARENTS Lisa has met the perfect guy. He's sensitive and caring. However, he won't take their relationship to the next level without the blessing of his parents. Lisa attends a barbecue at their house, but her boyfrie...